Monday, June 2, 2008

Best moisturizer for acne and dry skin and how to get rid of marks acne leaves

6. With a fresh cotton ball apply more astringent, then dot on a benzoyl peroxide product (like Clearasil) to prevent infection and speed healing.
Next, apply an astringent to your face. It should contain salicylic acid. This will work on getting rid of your acne. It removes any traces of dirt and oil and gives medication to dry up any pimples you have and keeps the oil from coming back. Wipe it on with a cotton swab or pad and let it dry on your skin for a minute or so. Concentrate it especially on areas where the acne is worse.
If you are an adolescent I recommend that you learn what type of skin you have. Try to discover whether your skin is dry or oily. Actually there is a third type of skin and that is the combination of oily and dry, commonly referred to as the dry/oily skin type. The main benefit of knowing your skin type is that it allows you a clear direction in treating acne breakouts.
tags: very good home remedies for acne, why chocolate causes acne, breaking out with acne on your back and chest

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