Monday, August 4, 2008

Articles on acne and pimples and microdermabrision acne scar

From personal experience I can tell you, prescribed drugs are not the answer to your acne scar problems, they do more harm than good, in most cases. I'm saying this from my own experience with them. Some may work, but the one's I tried didn't. I won't name any, because the drugs that didn't work for me, may work for you, who knows.
Remedies for acne have been used all over the world for centuries. They were around to help with this problem far before chemical medications that are purchased inside of the stores today. These remedies also seem to have less side effects, and often work fast and better for skin then the acidic solutions typically used. It is unfortunate that these are not more well known and used more often.
• Apply lemon juice on affected area. Lemon belongs to the Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs) group, and is capable of getting rid of acne scar and hyperpigmentation. However, those with sensitive skin may react negatively to its citric properties, cause dryness, burning and skin irritation.
tags: acne on the lips, how can i remove acne off my face, top over the counter acne treatment

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