It is thought that hormone imbalance can cause the body secrete more oils than it really should. Treating acne with acupuncture can help regulate your body's hormone output, and thus make your skin clearer. Treating acne with acupuncture isn't a magic cure-all, though. You still have to eat a balanced diet, wash yourself consistently and avoid heavy makeup or products that might irritate your skin.
These diets were intended to be just that, diets. They were intended for weight loss. As with all weight loss programs, they had mixed success. Not every metabolism is the same, not everyone has the same willpower or tolerance for eating the foods and sticking the regimen. However, as a side effect, many people found that while they didn't lose as much weight as they hoped, they found that they felt much better, and that their skin was much clearer. This has given more credence to the idea that when it comes to acne, what goes on inside is more important that what goes on outside.
Myth - Acne treatments aren't cheap -- Wrong!
tags: how many colonics to clear acne, acne anti aging skin care, natural home remadies for acne, moles, and black heads
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