Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Home remedies 4 acne

« ...We can group whiteheads and blackheads together and call them comedones. Comedones are considered the least severe form of acne lesion. They are usually the result of a sebaceous follicle getting plugged with sebum, hair and dead cells. Sometimes, there are also bacteria....
...This is a very dangerous myth. While some medical doctors may still insist that the food you eat doesn't cause acne, it is generally not true. In fact, there are now more research conducted regarding the link between diet and acne. A good suggestion is to avoid high sugar food. This can cause your acne to worsen....»
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«...Oil is good for the skin because it keeps it moisturized and younger looking. Oily skin may be an advantage because it inhibits the development of fine lines, wrinkles, and discolorations. It also tans gorgeously and is less likely to freckle. However, an oily skin may look shiny or dull. But too much oil spells A-C-N-E. Yes, excessively oily skin is actually prone to acne breakouts....»
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tags: homemade face masks to help acne, what is the best treatment for adult acne, how to get rid of acne fast home remedy

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