Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Most effective acne medication

« ...The dermatologist qualified and experienced in the treatment of acne is in the best position to diagnose, define and prescribe the most effective acne medicine. In the last decade, treatment for acne has made giant strides. In the past, the best hope for acne sufferers was specialized soaps and skin cleansers which were sometimes harsh and damaging to the skin. Today, new treatments work effectively on the underlying causes of acne so that the condition is fought below the surface of the skin. Improvements in the knowledge base are being made constantly with hope for a complete cure in most patients now a reachable objective....
...Is there a true acne home remedy? The thing all these acne home remedies have in common is that they all tell you to apply to your skin. VERY IMPORTANT: Understand that acne is an internal problem. Yes, some people can get some temporary relief with some of these acne home remedies but until you address the internal issues acne will continue to be a problem....»
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«...The secret to having healthier skin, starts first with your diet. If your diet is high in sugar, fat, processed foods or chemical additives, which is basically all the unhealthy stuff we love to eat, then what you've been doing to your body is polluting it with excess toxins that it may not be able to clear or flush out properly. It's excessive levels of toxins in the body that have been attributed to many different health problems and conditions, including acne. So if you want to have healthier, clearer skin, first start by taking a look at your diet, what you are eating on a regular basis and look at where it could be improved. A healthier diet that is rich in fresh fruits, vegetables, fiber, good proteins and carbohydrates, as well as essential fatty acids, will significantly help the body improve its normal internal detoxification process. The cleaner and healthier the body is, the cleaner and healthier your organs, blood and skin will be....»
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tags: best foundation for acne prone aging skin, acne breakout during pregancy, how to reduce redness on face from acne i popped

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